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Table Location System, A Good Helper in Management Organization

The trouble of chaos and disorder in restaurant, cafe, fast-food, or clinic may has hovered around you for a very long time in which the waiter can't locate the guests quickly and accurately by looking over around or yelling out aloud the order. And the disordering in the restaurant destroys the enjoying experience to your guest. Here comes the solution to this mess, which is the table location system that you gave the pagers to your guests after they ordered their meals, and they took it to the table with the table locator under it, then the display screen would accurately locate the guest in which table they are. Sounds good right? Please read this passage through.

What is the table location?

One standard set would include 1 charging base, 8 pagers, 1 table locator and 1 control box. Let me do a concise explanation about how to use them. These 8 pagers were inserted on the charging base when they are not being used. The control box connected to the display board (self-provided) shows the location information from the table locators and pagers at the table, where the pagers in the coverage around the cable of the locator.

How is it works?

The table locator under the table could sense the signal from the pager when gusts take close to it. And then it could feed the information to the control box, after that, the location information would show on the display board, displaying which number at which table and the time of waiting. Sounds great? In this way, not only does the waiter get free by efficiently offer the services to the customers, but also the guests get a good experience from your store. I believe that it’s a good helper to tackle all the management problem mentioned before.

Help your customer out of the annoying queuing up.

How do you keep customers coming back again and again?

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+86 13350340865
2F Building B3 Xiema Science Park Beibei District Chongqing

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